After the motel bar to end the night with delicious

After the motel bar to end the night with delicious

Worth it

After the motel bar to end the night with a delicious treat. Barzinho is always a gamble. You can drink all night, get drunk and not catch anyone or you can have a good chat after the first beer. Tonight was one of those good ones. Shortly after arriving at the bar, an interesting young man appeared. Good people, soon offered a glass of beer. It's the cue for a friendship or between gay men the chance for something better. Needless to say, alcohol makes any conversation flow easily and they soon decided to go to the motel. But on the way there was only one of those really shabby joints, really flea markets. It doesn't matter where you are, it's who you are with, so it didn't matter. The night was great and the sex was even better.
After the motel bar to end the night with delicious

After the motel bar to end the night with delicious

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