Baldy sucked and sat on the company's gifted

Baldy sucked and sat on the company's gifted


Baldy sucked and sat on the company's gift. If there's one thing guys don't hide, it's the size of their dicks. It spreads quickly and soon everyone knows. What is just a joke for straight people piques the curiosity of gay people, after all, a big dick is a dream come true. But the fact is that the bald man was left scratching his head, eager to confirm that it was all that, when one fine day she caught the guy naked in the locker room. Even though it was soft, you could see that the snake was really respectful and you couldn't stop looking at it. The chubby guy took advantage and said that if he could handle it he would do it all.
Baldy sucked and sat on the company's gifted

Baldy sucked and sat on the company's gifted

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