Capetinha seduced and messed with a couple of Mormons

Capetinha seduced and messed with a couple of Mormons

Mission complete

Capetinha seduced and messed with a couple of Mormons. What an unexpected oil change would happen and the kid would never have imagined it. When the doorbell rang early in the morning and he went to open it, she came face to face with two cute little guys. White people, strange names on the black sign and speaking with an accent trying to promote their religion. Her first thought was to refuse and slam the door in their faces but she thought it over and let her, after all, it's always good to have a male presence at home. When they entered and sat on the sofa, the bastard could only look at the volume of cock between the kids' legs, until in a gesture of madness he put his hand on one of them. The brother was scared but left. The other one got excited and soon had two hard cocks to play with.
Capetinha seduced and messed with a couple of Mormons

Capetinha seduced and messed with a couple of Mormons

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