Cafuçu with a tent set up on the bus

Cafuçu with a tent set up on the bus


Cafuçu with a tent set up on the bus. There are two ways for a guy to get excited in public: Involuntary, when the dick gets hard without the owner's intention or voluntary, when the guy gets excited on purpose. That's how the brunette looked when he realized he was being filmed. All swollen, making a bulge in his shorts, he put the backpack in front of him to hide it and every now and then he gave it a dent, as if to say: It's yours, you can take it. Apparently it was like that the whole trip, wanting to be messed with. If the other person is smart, they'll get off at the same point and enjoy the guy's berimbau.
Cafuçu with a tent set up on the bus

Cafuçu with a tent set up on the bus

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