Woke up boyfriend with a hard dick in his face

Woke up boyfriend with a hard dick in his face


woke up well

Woke up boyfriend with a hard dick in his face. Anyone who has never made a joke like this doesn't know what they're missing. The goat loves to surprise his partner and doesn't let the routine set in and does something different every time. He's had everything, from blowjobs in the elevator, cuddling in the cafeteria and other crazy things. This time it was lighter but equally exciting. He arrived from the street and caught the boy sleeping. Horny and wanting a fight, he grabbed his hard dick and started rubbing it in his face. Needless to say, the boy loved it and took the opportunity to fall in love with his boyfriend.
Woke up boyfriend with a hard dick in his face

Woke up boyfriend with a hard dick in his face

Date: June 13, 2018
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